Minggu, 26 September 2010

Say no to Zina !

Sebelum penyesalan datang dan waktu tak bisa berulang untuk mengubah langkah maksiat kita, marilah kita ikrarkan kalimat ini, Say No to Zina !. Ya, selama ini drugs sering diikrarkan untuk dijauhi, tetapi zina dipersilakan dengan mengabaikan aturan agama. Jadi, mari kita awali pembicaraan kali ini dengan Say No To Zina !.

Sayangnya tanpa disadari, perbuatan atau pergaulan kita secara tidak langsung akan menjurus ke hal-hal yang dilarang agama. Misalnya, kita dengan bebas gonta-ganti [berganti] pasangan dalam berpacaran. Bukankah telah jelas bahwa dalam Islam tidak ada konsep pacaran dalam melanjutkan ke jenjang pernikahan. Karena dengan pacaran akan menipiskan iman; karena keimanan akan tertutup oleh cinta dan rasa sayang yang tidak pada tempatnya.

Oleh karena itu, sebelum terlambat dan menyesal di kemudian hari, ALLAH memberi peringatan, "Dan janganlah kamu mendekati perbuatan zina" (QS Al-Isra [17]: 32). Begitu bijak dan lembut ALLAH melarang kita yang senantiasa lupa dan salah. Dia tidak mengatakan, "Jangan kamu berbuat" akan tetapi, Dia mengatakan, " Janganlah kamu mendekati". Artinya, janganlah kamu berbuat yang mendekati zina, menjauhlah dari memandang, menjauhlah dari sebab-sebab yang dapat mengantar pada perzinaan.

ALLAH SWT, berfirman, "Katakanlah kepada orang laki-laki yang beriman, hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya" (QS Al-Nur [24]: 30). Karena berawal dari pandangan inilah segala sesuatu bermula. Sang iblis sangat lihai dalam memanfaatkan peluang yang kecil menjadi besar. Bermula dari pandang-memandang, kedua lawan jenis saling jatuh cinta. Setelah keduanya resmi memproklamasikan kalau mereka jadi pacar maka ritual "barengan" pun terjadi setiap saat. Yang namanya berduaan, lama-kelamaan semakin tumbuh hasrat untuk mencoba dalam rangka mengungkapkan rasa cinta dan sayang terhadap lawan pasangannya masing-masing.

Dan wahai muslimah, janganlah mudah tergoda dengan pandangan sesaat. Apalagi wanita selalu rentan dijadikan objek seksual oleh laki-laki. Karena itu, Say No To Zina ! dengan tidak mendekati jalan menujunya.

Baca Semua ya..

Bebas bergaul bukan berarti bergaul bebas

Disetiap individu tertanam aturan dalam dirinya. Dan Islam sebagai sebuah agama memiliki aturan yang berbeda dengan aturan ideologi atau agama lain. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat Islam adalah masyarakat yang segala kehidupan mereka berlandaskan syariat Islam.

Masyarakat Islam adalah masyarakat yang berbeda dengan masyarakat lain dalam segala hal; dalam akidah, prinsip, akhlak, aturan dan metode dalam mengemban amanat ALLAH di muka bumi ini. Karena itu, Muslimah adalah wanita yang selalu menghadap kepada ALLAH dengan segenap amalnya, mengharap ridha ALLAH, dan membaca kitab ALLAH. Itulah alasan kita sekarang membicarakan masalah besar yang harus dihindari setiap Muslimah, yaitu pergaulan bebas.

Nabi SAW, menjelaskan bahaya pergaulan bebas tersebut ketika beliau mengatakan, "Janganlah kamu masuk ke rumah seorang perempuan". Seseorang dari Anshar berkata, "Ya Rasulullah, Bagaimana jika dia salah seorang kerabatnya?". Beliau menjawab, "Kerabat dapat menimbulkan fitnah".

Dalam nasihat ini Rasulullah SAW, mengharamkan wanita menyendiri bersama laki-laki asing yang bukan mahramnya, serta peringatan untuk menjauhi pergaulan bebas dengan laki-laki yang bukan mahramnya. Wanita dibolehkan menyendiri bersama mahramnya, baik wanita itu gadis maupun sudah menikah, dan mahram artinya adalah orang yang haram hukumnya menikahi wanita tersebut selama-lamanya.

Pergaulan bebas termasuk akhlak yang paling buruk, bahkan sedikit pun hal itu tidak termasuk akhlak seorang Muslimah. Seorang Muslimah harus mengetahui prinsip pergaulan bebas, tujuan dan akibat buruknya. Prinsip pergaulan bebas antara perempuan dan laki-laki, pada dasarnya berasal dari orang-orang Nasrani Eropa. Mereka telah memberi kebebasan kepada wanita secara mutlak sehingga para wanita berada di jalan-jalan, siang dan malam, bercampur bebas dengan pria dalam bekerja, dalam segala bidang.

Sesungguhnya kerugian yang paling besar dari pergaulan bebas ini adalah hilangnya rasa malu yang merupakan lambang kesucian bagi wanita. Dengarkan penuturan seorang penulis wanita Inggris, Lady Cook, ketika dia mengatakan,"Pergaulan bebas adalah sesuatu yang diciptakan para laki-laki. Oleh karena itu, wanita cenderung pada sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan kesuciannya. Dan berdasarkan kadar banyaknya pergaulan bebas, akan banyak pula anak yang lahir dari hasil perzinaa dan ini adalah bencana besar bagi wanita".

Masyarakat Islam tidak pernah mengenal hal yang dinamakan pergaulan bebas. Masyarakat Islam adalah masyarakat yang sempurna, berbeda dengan masyarakat Eropa.

Seorang Muslimah hendaknya berpegang pada nasihat Nabi SAW, ini, mengoreksi diri, serta merenungkan setiap sikap dan tindakannya. Yakinlah dengan sepenuh hati kita bahwa orang yang melaksanakan sesuatu sengan ridha ALLAH, pasti ALLAh akan memudahkan apa saja yang dia kehendaki. Dan orang yang berpegang dengan dasar ketaqwaan, pasti besi pun akan menjadi lunak baginya.

jadi, Islam membebaskan kita untuk bergaul dengan siapa saja, tetapi bukan pergaulan bebas karena Islam telah membatasinya. Segala puji bagi ALLAH, tuhan semesta alam yang tahu akan dampak negatif dari pergaulan bebas ini bagi kamu, Muslimah. Percayalah, itu semua demi kebaikan kita.

Baca Semua ya..

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

The Most Important Secret of Guys ...!

Wht is it guys want to ...? Try to touch the lead slightly. But it could still be held accountable in ...

Ssst ...! THE MOST IMPORTANT SECRET of Guys ...!

Chika scowled after going to the movies with her boyfriend, Erick. Uhm ... turns out she was dating wasn't successful because Erick is too cool

But wht Erick said, "Chika isn't cool. Angry, angry n angry all the time. We continue to watch the comments. When the ticket queue, long story. No lovingly. ...!" I'm so lazy

uhm ... turns out the problem they were "intimate".

intimacy, it is necessary ...!

Chika and Erick's story on the same point, they demanded to be intimate partners. But each of them don't knw how to make their partner to understand. Especially Chika, girls generally prefer not sensitive at this business. They always demand that the guy must knw wht a girl wants. Furthermore, girls usually if a guy wants to be affectionate to the girl first.

If all the girls in the world to think like Chika, finally ... all the boys to courting males. How awful it ...?
Because, not all the boys to understand n respond to wht is desired by the girls. Thus, it is no shame for women to move ahead to the boy. But tht doesn't mean tht a girl's self-esteem so low ...! What is meant here is move motions n make sure a guy like tht his girlfriend had got her attention n romance.

No one understood tht the move girls to boys leading first to do things more deeply. Eg sex. Uhm ... if so far it is the minds of people who understand petty. Movement tht is meant love touches tht evoke a sense guy to be romantic as well as to girls. Although it seems cool, the guy was actually two-fold more romantic than a girl. So as a girl should be smart to make a guy always love n loyalty.


1. When walk together, trying to sweet Embrace him, n rub gently rub shoulders. The guy will feel our love in the time we rubbed her shoulder.

2. Don't ever doubt rubbing his head from behind while eating alone in restaurants [tht happened to sit next to each other]. The guy will feel we really care about him.

3. If you're watching a movie, if there happens to be a funny scene, there is nothing wrong with his arm affectionately pinched. Or if more forcefully, put your hand to his thigh and rub-rub for a while. But remember, not to transmissivity, because then even make a guy aroused n encourage girls to do things tht benefit more 'lead'. Remember, just a moment. This is just to lure romance to be more sensitive boys to girls as well.

4. Still in theaters or when was in the tropical atmosphere, such as the beach or the top. We sat together, put her head on a guy's chest, still embrace. This will make a guy feel tht we so love n hope couldn't be separated from it.

5. Don't forget to kiss his cheek when he picked up at home or when he drove home.

6. Don't forget to wipe surfaces often palms when he was a walk on the Mall [when holding hands]. He will feel very appreciated.

Baca Semua ya..


Talking about the kiss, would direct people to think if it was just lust alone. But it turned out, not only is it that makes people so fond kiss. You know, that kiss was worth it ...!

Want to know what are the benefits of that kiss, check this out ...!

1. Ageless make

Train kiss on the cheek and jaw muscles to keep moving. This movement is making rapid facial skin is not loose. In addition, according to experts, the face will look younger and happier time.

2. Body into shape

A kiss makes the heart beat faster. This was caused by release of adrenaline into the bloodstream. This release of adrenaline in barengi pleasure and so help the heart pump more blood throughout the body. Automatic body becomes more fit.

3. Helps healthy teeth

After eating, the mouth is usually filled with liquid sugar and acidic saliva that can cause plaques. A kiss can help the natural cleansing process. Issued saliva when kissing clean teeth and bacteria. Levels of dental plaque can be reduced.

4. Weight loss
Like mad cause that weight does not go down despite a prolonged diet? uhm ... a kiss it can also lose weight. Kiss in a long time to make your metabolism burn sugar faster. But, not only with a single kiss for sure. There remains a certain count is according to doctors. According to experts, in every 10 minutes kissing, then you burn calories by 10 calories.

So ... u wanna try ...!?!

Baca Semua ya..


Create a culture of community eastern Indonesia is still very strong and firm hold, the culture is not the kiss becomes a habit. However, internationally, a kiss is not really a foreign thing again. In fact, a kiss to show intimacy between people. Let see, when state leaders meet, not seldom they cipika-cipiki (alias kiss-kiss the right cheek left cheek, lol). Usually it expresses personal closeness of their respective principals. Sometimes, a kiss can be a medium of expression of love between human beings. But ... if kissing involves two people in love will be different again tail. Outside the religious context, they return to themselves, whether you who have a relationship dating back to do it or not.

Some terms that we know the kiss quite diverse. Starting from the hand kiss, kiss on the forehead, eskimo kisses, to french kiss ...!

Uhm ... these are a few terms of kiss I've outlined for you ...

1. Kiss hands

In Europe, kissing hands shows respect and admiration for one guy to the girl who took her. It could be because of beauty girl or because of a very elegant manner.
While kissing the hands of Indonesia's most commonly done by young people against their elders. Or, the wife of her husband. So kiss on the hand can mean respect, appreciation and even one's devotion.

2. Kiss good-bye (Blowing Kisses)
Young children love to do this kind kiss. And Indonesian parents used to call this a kiss goodbye to the term 'kiss bye'. Meaning of kisses dear wrote to say goodbye. In America, blowing kiss is usually done by a person to target someone who has an emotional attachment. Not just limited to couples who love it ... uhm ...

3. Air Kiss (Air Kisses)
Not imagine what kind of the same air kisses? I actually used this kiss we see in relationships. Two cheeks are usually brought closer but there is no contact of skin and lips. Usually from the mouth will sound as the air kiss. So-called air kiss ...!
Internationally, this kiss is one of politeness. People who do not know each other was considered legitimate to do. But in Indonesia is usually the kiss of this kind carried out if both sides perpetrators knew each other well.

4. A kiss on the forehead
This type of sebenernya kiss is the most romantic kiss. A kiss is more an expression of one's affection. Able from parents to children, can the child to his parents and also the girlfriend ...! A kiss on the forehead usually involves a feeling of genuine affection and not a passionate kiss.

5. Eskimo kiss
Ever see those eskimo kiss? eskimo kiss kiss just like them. Two mutually rubbing their noses. The funny thing is not a kiss is an expression of affection, but the norm of politeness as a substitute for the words "How are you?". In Indonesia, this kind of kiss is not common and certainly can not be done haphazardly in public.

6. A kiss on the cheek
Kiss on the cheek of course involves the cheeks and lips, of course, or nose. If it involves the lips, the term is pecking. A kiss is usually done between family members. Emotions that are normal in this kiss and flat course.

7. Cyber Kiss (Virtual Kisses)
Start the Hooked on the internet chat, virtual kisses certainly not new. You can send virtual kisses through the codes specific emoticons or via web cam to others who you meet in the virtual world.

8. Kissing arm
Ever see a cartoon movie about a male skunk seekkor (a kind of weasel stars that emit a bad smell and black and white) who fell in love with a female cat? The skunk was going to kiss the cat's arm from the fingertips until the end of the arm. A kiss is indeed unusual. It seems just a kiss in the movies or dramas earlier times. I think in Indonesia kiss this model is not in practice, right?

9. French kiss
Imagine Fracnh, would direct the country's most romantic vision of universal highway ...! This French-style kiss really made popular two people in love. Including heavy kiss, kiss because this type involving the lips and tongue as well ... ...!. I think this kind of hard to kiss can be a blessing from the social environment in Indonesia. And that would have made hot if done in a public place ...!

10. Kiss El Nino
Know El Nino storm in the sea? as well as the kind of kiss is the model of El Nino. Like the fierce ocean storms and more severe than a french kiss. Clearly this is more like a kiss when done for those who are bound by the sacred bonds of marriage.

11. Bite of love (Love Bite or Hickey)
Although the term name starts with the word 'bite', but still still categorized as a kiss. A kiss is done with the skin to suck his veins burst. So this kiss will leave a mark. Indonesian people know the word 'hickey'. Like El Nino kiss, this kiss is properly carried out by those who are married.

Baca Semua ya..

Love Leaguages

Many ways to express love, one with words. Uhm ... maybe by saying aku cinta kamu or i love you. Bored ...!
Now I give the words in another language can be used to express love. Try it, who know more unique, powerful and managed to shoot the heart boyfriend ...!

Indonesia : Aku Cinta Kamu
English : I Love You
Arabic : Ana Behibak (the boys)
: Behibek Ana (the girl)
Thailand : Chan Rak Khun (the boys)
: Phom Rak Khun (the girl)
Vietnamese : Anh ye ^ u em (to guy)
: Em ye ^ u anh (to girl)
Bulgaria : Obicham Te
Cambodian : Soro Lahn Nhee Ah
Croasia : Volim Te
Danish : Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch : Ik Hou Van Jou
Ethiopia : Afgreki '
Philippines : Mahal Kita
French : Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Germany : Ich Liebe Dich
Hawaiian : Aloha Au La'oe
India : Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte Hae
Hungary : Szeretlek
Italian : Ti Amo
Japanese : Aishiteru
Canada : Naanu Ninna Preetisuttene
Lithuania : Tave myliu
Mandarin : Wo Ai Ni
Chinese Cantonese : Ngo Oiy Ney A
Morocco : Ana Moajaba Bik
Norwegian : Jeg Elsker Deg
Portuguese : Eu Te Amo
Russia : Yes Tebya Liubliu
Spanish : Te Quiero, Te Amo
Swedish : Jag Dig Alskar
Suriname : Mi Lobi Joe
Taiwan : Ei Li Wa Ga
Tahitian : Ua Here Vau La Oe
Tamil : Nan Unnai Kathalikaraen
Turkish : Seni Seviyorum
Korean : Sarang Heyo
Javanese : Kulo Tresno Karo Koe
Africa : ek is lief vir jou

So ... what are you waiting ...!?! now express your love for your girlfriend as a language fit for him ...! Cia You ...!

Baca Semua ya..

Tentang Aku

Foto saya
Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
I just figure that no perfect woman ... a search for happiness and peace ... always learning and trying to learn ... happy all the people in my life ... trying to erase the tears and their hurt ... trying to carve a sweet smile on their faces and make them laughed happily ... with the hope someone would do the same thing to me ...loved my self ever ever and forever... :-*

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